Monday, August 13, 2012

Integrating Technology Reflection

            This course on Integrating Technology into the Content Areas was a course that I was looking forward to taking.  Technology is a passion of mine.  It is something that I love to learn about and experiment with.  There are so many resources and options that are available and become available on a regular basis.  There are several things that we focused on throughout this course.  We looked at the GAME plan, social networking, digital stories, and other ideas for integrating technology into all subject areas.
            I created a GAME plan with two different goals.  My first goal was to learn how to teach students proper and ethical use of information and resources by joining a professional learning network (PLN) and completing online searches.  My second goal was to learn about how other teachers incorporate technology into their classroom and what tools they used.  My plan to accomplish this was to again join PLNs, create a PLN within our school and within our district.  I made progress towards each of my goals.  I found some great resources that included suggestions to teach elementary students to cite information.  I also joined several PLNs.  There is a technology committee within my county that focuses on interesting uses of technology within our schools and technology opportunities.  We also teach each other how to use some of the technology resources that we use within our own instruction.  I talked with one of the county’s technology supervisors about creating a place where we can share a variety of resources with each other.  She thought it was a great idea and is working with the other supervisors to create a Livebinder version of this.  I think I have a great head start to reach my goals this coming year.
            Another thing we focused on was actually integrating technology into our classrooms.  I think prior to this course I used a lot of technology within my classroom.  We created glogs, podcasts, and blogging, but I knew that I was still working out the kinks.  This coming year the goal is to use blogging more often so the information on social networking and having to create a social networking lesson was a great opportunity for me.  It was also helpful to get some feedback on the lesson to see if anyone else had any ideas to add.  I think the biggest moment for me in this course was the focus on digital stories.  I tried digital storytelling my second year of teaching, and I just started way too big.  I got stuck about halfway through the process and was not sure of the next step.  After working with the resources, I know that it can be a lot easier than what I was trying to make it.  Students could create a digital story about an animal, math problem, science experiment or even about themselves (Laureate Education, Inc., 2012).  I like that I also got to see some examples of digital stories that students created and ways that other teachers use it in their classroom.   My new plan is to try to create a digital story of my own so that I can walk through the process.  Then I think I can effectively incorporate it into my classroom.  I am excited to try digital stories again with my students.  Overall, I have benefitted greatly from this course and I know my students will also.


Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2012). Program twelve: Spotlight on technology: digital storytelling, part 1 [Video webcast]. Integrating Technology into the Content Areas. Retrieved from

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